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St. Mary's Cathedral
Hr. Sec. School, Lerie


  1. The school diary is a record of the students. Therefore, every student must bring the school diary to the class daily.
  2. All students must be regular and punctual and be on the school premises before the first bell at 08:30 am.
  3. No student can leave the school premises during school hours without the principal’s permission & Out Pass.
  4. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 10 days renders a student liable to dismissal. Latecomers should meet the disciplinarian; their names must be entered in the Late Coming Record.
  5. Habitual negligence in work, disrespect towards teachers or bad influence, disobedience, and acts of misconduct both in and outside the school will involve severe disciplinary action, including expulsion.
  6. The school premises should be kept neat and clean. Scribbling on the walls and furniture is strictly prohibited. Any damage caused to the school's property must be made good.
    Home exercise assignments should be done regularly, carefully, and submitted at the appointed time.
  7. Pupils of one class are not allowed to enter other classrooms.
  8. Speaking English on the school premises and in public places when in uniform is compulsory.
  9. Books should be carried to school only according to the timetable unless it is informed otherwise.
  10. Books should not be left in the classroom after the school hours.
  11. Sharp-edge instruments and explosives should not be brought to the school.
  12. Playing in the classroom and corridor is strictly prohibited. Perfect discipline and silence should be maintained while changing classes for P.T., singing, SUPW, Science, and computer science and when passing corridors during class hours.
  13. Every pupil shall endeavor to keep up the high standard and morals of the school by excelling in studies and having good manners.
  14. No vehicle will be allowed to enter the school compound during school hours.
  15. The school will not be responsible for lost articles. No gold, other valuable articles, or finger rings should be worn in the school. Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. It is suggested that their names be inscribed on articles. Students shouldn't have too much money or expensive articles in their possession. Lost articles deposited in the school office will be claimed within a week. 
  16. All pupils are to come to school neatly dressed in the school uniform.
  17. Students involved in fights, drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, and stealing will incur automatic expulsion.
  18. Students cannot join outside tournaments or any other program except through the school office.
  19. No meetings, parties, or organized school activities should be arranged without the principal's approval. All collections must be made through the office. No groups or organizations are to use the school for this purpose.
  20. Chewing gums, intake of pan masala of all kinds, smoking cigarettes, and consumption of alcohol are not permitted inside the school campus.
  21. Elaborated hairstyles are not permitted. Boys and girls should receive normal haircuts. Bleaching hair, Sporting long nails, using nail polish and eye-brow polish, and using jelly and other materials for sporting elaborate hairstyles are forbidden.
  22. Cell phones, I-pods, cameras,  CDs, and other gadgets are prohibited on the school campus. If found in possession, it will be confiscated.
  23. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct in school and their general behaviour outside.
  24. No students will remain in the class during assembly, Library, P.T., Computer, and Games period without proper reason or permission.
  25. Admire the flowers and maintain the gardens. No one is allowed to pluck any flowers.
  26. No foodstuff may be purchased by the pupil from vendors outside the school gate.
  27. Students cannot buy, sell, or exchange articles on the school premises.
  28. Students shall not circulate books, magazines, periodicals, and CDs in the school without the permission of the school authority. 
  29. The school campus has no smoking area and a ‘plastic-free zone’ daily. Please do not dispose of bottles and plastic items in school.
  30. No pets (viz. dogs) are permitted inside the campus.
  31. No tattoos are allowed on the body of the student.
  32. No students or teachers can post anything about school or opinions on social media without the consent of the school authority. 
  33. No students can have WhatsApp groups in the school's name. Every student only keeps in touch with the School App through the parents’ mobile.

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St. Mary's Cathedral
Higher Secondary School

Lerie, Kohima-797001, Nagaland, India

7627919477 | 8837463804

School Timings
8:30 AM Inside the Class
8:45 AM First Bell and Followed by Prayer
9:00 AM Class Begins
2:30 PM Class Ends
Morning Assembly:

8:45 AM - 9:00 AM

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

© 2024-2025 St. Mary's Cathedral Hr. Sec. School • All Rights Reserved